Pattaya beach has BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER! If "happy, satisfied" is not enough!? Let's continue to "full stomach" in the latest episode of New School Breakin'.

Last updated: 27 Jan 2023  |  1184 Views  | 

Pattaya beach has BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER! If "happy, satisfied" is not enough!? Let's continue to "full stomach" in the latest episode of New School Breakin'.

In the last episode of New School Breakin', BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER has come to relax and refresh the body with satisfaction in the most chilling atmosphere at Pattaya Beach. And also doing fun activities at the water park to recharge energy to prepare for their next mission But this Pattaya trip is more than just playing in the water. Because we can't come together without a delicious meal. And on this show, they would like to have fun with a variety of dishes, full of food, full of stomach and then show both singing and dancing, serving the audience to get good vibes, cute and good like this. Meet the boys BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER with a full story to make your heart full in New School Breakin' every Friday at 6:00 p.m. on Youtube: High Cloud Entertainment. Here

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