instead of thanking you for every visit "Golden Father" surpassed 10 million views, "Paowalee Pornpimol" paired with "Tao Phusilp" live broadcast to return profits to music fans.

Last updated: 31 Mar 2023  |  1309 Views  | 

instead of thanking you for every visit "Golden Father" surpassed 10 million views, "Paowalee Pornpimol" paired with "Tao Phusilp" live broadcast to return profits to music fans.

At this minute, say that it hits the wind all over the house throughout the city for the latest song single of "Paowalee Pornpimon", which captivated the listeners until the views skyrocketed non-stop, unable to hold both versions together, surpassing 10 million views in just 2 months. Like the latest song "Father Golden Meat", the singer Paowalee would like to organize a special live broadcast in return for all the viewing and listening of the fans. Via Facebook, Paowee Grammy Gold, ready to invite a young singer, a friend who is currently working on a song "Tao Phusilp" joins us to talk about the most in-depth stories exclusively through the game JENGA (Tor Mai) that comes with fun punishments. before showing the new songs of both of them live Both songs, such as Paowali's "Golden Father" and Tao's "Moon Muan" Passing on happiness and bringing smiles to the fans.

The atmosphere in this live broadcast is said to be filled with loveliness of Pao-Tao, who exchange and share past life experiences both in front and behind the past and present work of both of them friendly, including Fans will also be able to see Lam Toey's dancing style in the Paowali style. and listen to the beautiful voice As gentle as the original Tao and the song. Father of gold meat, plus this work, a Taoist young man also secretly opened a short chord to practice singing Mor Lam for Pao Walee to gently show the Mor Lam tremolo. Until making Pao phrase impressed Both singing and dancing in a large set

Follow, listen and watch the MV of the song “Golden Father” from “Paowalee Pornpimol "both 2 versions at MV  SYNC :  and the song “Happy Meal” from “Tao Phusilp” at Follow and watch a fun retrospective live of Pao and Tao at