"Cha Ded Chantra", a dance song, flirting with cute girls, the first music MV for the year 2023 from "Isra Isarapong"

Last updated: 9 Jul 2023  |  1728 Views  | 

"Cha Ded Chantra", a dance song, flirting with cute girls, the first music MV for the year 2023 from "Isra Isarapong"

Continue to send fun songs to listen to each other. with the sweet-faced divine artist "Isra Issarapong" with the latest song The first song of 2023 called “Jade Chantra” is a love song that tells about the need of a young man who has special feelings for the beautiful woman he falls in love with. And those good feelings are so overflowing that you want to occupy your heart. by the song "Jadet Chantra", composed and composed by Panuwat Wisetwongsa and arranged by Ajarn Boy Teeraphong Sakkaew with a cute, easy-to-remember song content together with cool, fun music Believe that it will not be difficult to catch on the listener's ears and can also be used as a song to flirt with cute girls.

The story in the music video "Will pick the moon" Issara Read about the winner of the ten directions so sleepy that he fell asleep and met a beautiful woman in his dreams. that you are as beautiful as the mother moon The girl who is the most beloved of the young man will be cool. From the historical novel "Winner of the Ten Directions", then there was an instant crush on him. So I had to ask to flirt with the girl Issarapong "shows off the dance style, very organized, very full. Powerful waist as well as dressing up in a retro Burmese style that is also strangely handsome Fans can go in and listen to the music MV. On YouTube: Grammy Gold Official, Facebook: Iss Isarapong Grammy Gold and go watch cute dance clips on TikTok: Iss Isarapong too.

"Ja Deed Chantra", a new song with a fun rhythm with the story of falling in love with the dream girl of "Isra Issarapong"

Watch the MV today https://youtu.be/yyHmRes9Gqg 

TikTok dance clip will be cool in the moon https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLyeQdkv/