5 girls, VIIS the first girl group from G'NEST is about to launch into the T-POP field soon.

Last updated: 28 Aug 2023  |  1317 Views  | 

5 girls, VIIS the first girl group from G'NEST is about to launch into the T-POP field soon.

Can't wait! Since G'NEST has gradually released pictures of 5 girls, VIIS, the first girl group of G'NEST under GMM. Grammy came out to see each other continuously, including still images of various characters. and clip performance who show the most perfect dance lines, come out to call for a loud buzz And now it's time to get to know each other. Group VIIS and the 5 members who are about to debut in the TPOP industry soon.

VIIS (VIIS) is a word of Finnish origin. There are many meanings. In the first sense, it refers to the number 5, which is compared to the number of five VIIS members. It also refers to the method, approach, melody, and music. fond of music and jointly create works through music

As for the 5 girls, each member of VIIS has different abilities and characters. But it's considered the perfect combination. Consisting of Cheers, the youngest member of the band, 18 years old, capable of singing, dancing, playing music, the band member And has already entered the competition The Voice Kids Thailand 2019, the second one, Tara (Tara), the youngest, 18 years old, another with talent, the main rapper that comes with determination strong passion ready to go through every situation Degree student from a famous music university from the United States like Berklee College of Music and is a welcome face. That Tara is graduating with a bachelor's degree in the middle of 2024. Next, the 3rd member Sonya (Sonya), 20 years old, has a high-pitched vocal line. accompanied by laughter who always fills the fun with friends Followed by Atom (Atom), 21 years old, a Chiang Mai girl with a clear voice that carries cuteness. Let's spread the charm to refresh the heart. and the last member Plaifah (Plaifah) Mendancer In the look of a cool girl who is fascinated by dancing Especially the popping dance that is a personal style, is the signature of Plai Fah. Recently, all 5 girls are about to have their first MV, which can follow the work and news of the girls. VIIS band at @viisofficial on all platforms and from the G'NEST camp at Youtube/TikTok/Instagram: gnest_official Facebook/X: Gnest