"Nawat" is concerned about the safety of "Engfah" and orders an additional team to take care of him. Ask fans to stop creating situations and love yourself more.

Last updated: 12 Oct 2023  |  11473 Views  | 

"Nawat" is concerned about the safety of "Engfah" and orders an additional team to take care of him. Ask fans to stop creating situations and love yourself more.

From the case of someone claiming to be a fan of superstar beauty queen Engfah Waraha, Miss Grand Thailand 2022. Used a knife to harm himself in order to demand a meeting with Ingfah, but police and rescue workers were able to stop the incident in time. Therefore there was no loss incident. This incident made Nawat Israkraisil, Chief Executive Officer of Miss Grand International Public Company Limited, the agency, concerned about the safety of Ingfa and other fans. Please warn me before loving anyone. Please love yourself very much first. Ready to increase safety measures for Ingfah, revealing that no one knew about the incident in advance. It's best to be safe.

Nawat revealed, “A similar incident has happened to Ingfah for the third time already. from the same perpetrator The first incident occurred in Chiang Mai Province. At that time they said it was an accident. Motorbike fell, injured, bleeding but refused to go to the hospital. I'm waiting to see Ingfa. Ingfa went down to look with concern. Until recently, I learned that it was the same person who tried to use a knife to cut my wrists and hang myself. After this incident, I thought he might not be normal. I can't let Ingfah go see him. And I don't want this incident to happen again. I don't know his intention in actually wanting to meet Ingfah. It might have come from liking her so much that he had to use this method in order to meet. But I didn't think that this was a request for attention like that. Many people criticize I know that the creator of the situation is quite mature and young. He may have a problem that cannot be solved. It may be a personal problem or a problem that cannot be controlled. I would like to encourage him to get through every situation. Or ask that you try telling the organization so that they can take action on what appropriate and helpful I don't want to take care of just artists. I want to take care of the people who love my artist. If there's anything that can help, I want to help. I don't want my fans or anyone else to suffer loss or get hurt. Just like what appears now. This event quite affected Ingfah's mind. He is a sensitive person and loves his fans very much. When he encountered this incident, he felt bad and cried. He didn't want to see anyone hurt themselves because of him. I talked with Ingfah and tried to tell her that we couldn't control it. Now me and most of the team are here to organize the contest. Miss Grand International 2023 at Vietnam If I'm in Bangkok, I'm happy. Will talk to those who create of the situation in order to understand Let him vent and release. I understand that he really wants to meet Ingfah, but the organization isn't able to let him meet him. I would like to ask you once again that if you're a true fan, don't do this. You should love yourself and you shouldn't hurt yourself like this. Whatever the case may be, if you are thinking of loving someone else. You should start loving yourself first. When you love yourself enough, then you can love others.”

When asked if we have added another team to take care of Ing Fah? “Right now I have added an additional team to take care of Ing Fah. The entire AR team (caring for artists) goes to check out the event space. Request a security team As well as asking for cooperation with the host or customer who hires them because they have work every day. including fans who love Ingfa jointly monitor and care Because we are not sure if there will be any other events or not. For everyone's safety Finally, I would like to thank the officers, police and rescue workers who intervened in time to put an end to the incident. I hope this will be the last time. Don't let something like this happen again. No one wants to see losses happen.”