Time is up, swallowing the feelings, "Guy" opens his heart and asks to take care of "Peach" instead of "Chin" in the series "Bake Me Please, Conquer the Sweetheart's Heart" EP.5

Last updated: 15 Dec 2023  |  717 Views  | 

Time is up, swallowing the feelings, "Guy" opens his heart and asks to take care of "Peach" instead of "Chin" in the series "Bake Me Please, Conquer the Sweetheart's Heart" EP.5

This week, the series “Bake Me Please, Conquer the Heart of the Sweetheart” from Rose studio, squeezes your heart even more. When Guy (Phum Phuriphan) is ready to ask for a chance to take care of Peach's (Guide Kantaphon) heart after seeing the relationship of Peach and Chef Chin (Ohm Thitiwat) plummet into darkness. At this point, Guy could hardly hold back his tears. Pity touches Peach's heart. Because Peach has encountered events that hurt her feelings over and over again. When Chin arrived at Sweethheart, he saw pictures of Guy, Peach, Po (Tawan Nawinwich) happily celebrating together. The more it makes Chin misunderstand Peach. and accused Peach of stealing the torta carpré recipe. Until Shin became angry and exploded and said things that hurt Peach's feelings again. Until the body that is in the whole event Decided to confess all his feelings to Peach for the first time.

This EP.5, behind the scenes, both Ohm Guide and Phum have conveyed full of dramatic emotions, especially Phum and Guide. I can tell you that tears flowed down to the scene where Guy seriously asks for a chance to take care of Peach's heart. As for Chef Po or Tawan, has come out for fans to see in EP 5 and will be an important character that will reinforce the pain of our Chef Chin even more. We have to wait and watch and cheer each other on well. Chef Chin is in a really difficult situation. My dear friend, Guy, decides to confess the feelings he has been secretly keeping for a long time. and directly asked to take care of Peach instead of Chin How will our Peach decide about this relationship? Continue your excitement in the series “Bake Me Please, Conquer the Heart of the Sweetheart” EP.5, Sunday, December 17 at 10:15 p.m. on Channel 8, press number 27. Watch reruns first at TrueID through 3 channels. Application, website and TrueID box, as for International Fandom, watch through GagaOOLala and follow every movement of the 5 young men Bake Me Please via FACEBOOK / X / Tiktok / Instargram : Bake Me Please The Series