The most satisfying fan meeting: "Ohm-Guide-Phum-Prem-Atom" spreads their charm for over 5 hours in Bake Me Please, conquering the hearts of sweethearts. Special EP. Fan Meeting.

Last updated: 30 Jan 2024  |  690 Views  | 

The most satisfying fan meeting: "Ohm-Guide-Phum-Prem-Atom" spreads their charm for over 5 hours in Bake Me Please, conquering the hearts of sweethearts. Special EP. Fan Meeting.

creating a hot phenomenon all over the country For the series Bake Me Please, Conquer the Heart of the Sweetheart, produced by Rose. Studio  under  RS Multimedia and Entertainment Company  in response to the hot trend  would like to arrange for fans to get up close and exclusive with  Fan. The first meeting of 5 young men at the Bake Me Please event to win the hearts of Mr. Sai Wan. Special EP. Fan Meeting led by Ohm Thitiwat Ritprasert, Guide Kantaphon Chompoophan, Phum Phuriphan Sapsangsawat, Prem Naphanat. Thanatintrakul, Atom Nathapob Kenchantuek and special guest Tawan Nawinwich Kittichanwit who brought out his talents to show in a big way. Carrying maximum happiness with special activities and shows for fans in full, along with artists from RSDG, led by Chompoo Atita Phayak, and actors from the series Bad Guy My Boss, which is about to launch soon. Recently Also join in giving strength in the work. For first time fanmeeting that serves full cuteness, pleasing fans to the point of trending at

It begins with hilarity and laughter. From Qthong host Mr. Sol From the channel SosatSeoulsay and Young actor Tawan Nawinwit comes to take on the role of MC. Greetings and talking about the special moments at the event. When all 5 actors appeared on stage, they drew screams from fans. Loud in the movie theater, it can be said that there is nothing but cuteness and love. When entering the game to play with the lucky person Fans are ready to start by using their creativity to DIY decorate cakes with toppings such as Pipo gummies and various fruits within 10 minutes. Let it come out as beautiful as possible. The highlight is that Ohm-Guide-Phum-Prem-Atom-Tawan feed cake to lucky fans called Serving intimacy within reach and also had the right to receive a special gift on stage, causing the audience below the stage to scream in unison. The highlight that everyone has been waiting for when watching Bake Me Please, conquering the heart of Mr. Sweet Special. The EP can be said to bring the happiness of the characters Chin, Peach, Guy, and Atom that fans miss for you to watch again, impressively, full of smiles. Complete with a wow scene of Shin and Peach's characters. that calls for loud screams in this special EP For this event, fans are ready to say with one voice that it is worth the wait.

Continue the fun with highlights with a Mini Show from 6 actors, starting with Ohm and Guide in the song Just Love You, the theme song for the series that the couple sang together, followed by Phum who comes with The song Swallow has a slow, sad rhythm, full of emotion. Ready to change the mode to spread cuteness. That caused the guide to scream loudly again, who came in the song "Love someone who has an owner", sending his wishes with a bright smile to the fullest extent. Continuing to create fun with young Ohm organizing cool dance steps, raising the energy with the song "Dejavu" for fans to rock and have great fun with. Continued with the final show with a special song by all 6 of them in the song "Go Cute A Little Far Away" filled with cuteness. The dance moves are so cute that fans want to follow along with this every show. That the actors of the series Bake Me Please win the hearts of sweethearts. Give it to the fans It is the full intention of thanking you. Let the fans have fun to the fullest. During that time there was also a VTR with impressive images including every moment and behind the scenes of everyone's work. But before saying goodbye to the first fan meeting Ohm-Guide-Phum-Prem-Atom-Tawan Let's take a selfie with everyone. In order to capture impressive images to make you forget about them. But what made the actors of the series Bake Me Please win the hearts of sweethearts? More than that, I'm delighted. A fan project that was a surprise from fans. With a clip that fans intended to make as a gift. while holding up a sign that said "Thank you for always giving us smiles" to send encouragement to the actors on stage. Makes the young man smile. Tears filled with gratitude

Ending with activities on stage Ohm-Guide-Phum-Prem-Atom Granting rights to Fan Benefit Photo Card, Private Photo5:1, Group Photo5:5, Group Photo5:10, Hi Touch, Singed Poster, PVC Ticket to set up space for fans. Gathering together to do activities together to the fullest extent, it was a warm and impressive closing of the fanmeeting. It can be said that anyone who didn't come to this event is missing out a lot.

You can follow the series "Bake Me Please to win the heart of your sweetheart" past episodes at TrueID through 3 application channels and the web. and the TrueID box, the International section Fandom is available through GagaOOLala and YouTube channels. 8 Ready to follow every movement of the 5 young men of Bake Me Please via FACEBOOK / X / Tiktok / Instargram : Bake Me Please The Series