Have you ever wondered? How are ratings counted for TV program content, series, and variety in South Korea?

Last updated: 13 Apr 2024  |  1086 Views  | 

Have you ever wondered? How are ratings counted for TV program content, series, and variety in South Korea?

Counting TV program ratings in South Korea is a complex process and there are many methods used to estimate a show's popularity and rating score. Although it varies across communication channels and platforms. But there are important principles used to count ratings.

One of the most used methods for counting the ratings of TV shows in South Korea is. Using an audience interest survey system (AGB Nielsen Korea) and TNS Media Korea, which has installed interest measurement devices in viewers' homes to monitor TV viewing. This system records viewing data and TV program ratings that are forwarded to researchers in the entertainment industry. The South Korean rating measurement system is complex and different from the rating measurement system used in Thailand.

There is also a survey on the popularity of television programs via mobile phones. This is a convenient and fast way to collect viewing information. and has a rapid effect on the popularity rankings of the program.

Counting ratings is not just about checking the number of viewers. But it also calculates ratings by taking into account the number of viewers watching a program in a given time period. including other factors such as the quality of the program Interesting content and promotion

The organization that measures the ratings is AGB Nielsen Korea, a world-renowned market research company. AGB Nielsen Korea uses special tools to track the TV viewing behavior of approximately 2,000 sample households nationwide.

And another organization that measures ratings, TNS Media Korea, uses the PMS (Picture Matching System) method since the company was founded. But due to technological advancements The company is currently investigating Audio Matching (AMS) based technology. TNMS currently uses Kantar AMS equipment and UK IP meters.

The survey results will be sent to the computer room at TNMS headquarters after 2:00 a.m. for processing into statistics. and announced every morning at 7:00 a.m. to terrestrial broadcaster Skylife, cable TV companies, advertising agencies and newspapers. This announcement time is earlier than the general audience survey results announcement time of 9-10 AM in other countries. Worldwide approximately 2-3 hours

This tool will record that each household member watches which channels In how long? This information It is analyzed and calculated into rating numbers. The rating is expressed as a percentage. of the total sample households. For example, a program with a rating of 10% means that 100 of the sample 1,000 households are currently watching that program.

Factors affecting ratings

Item type : Some types of programs such as dramas or variety shows. Often have higher ratings than news programs or sports programs.

Broadcast time : Programs that are broadcast during times when there are a lot of viewers, such as in the evening or late in the evening, usually have higher ratings.

Actors : Shows that feature popular actors. They usually have higher ratings.

Trending : A program that has a lot of buzz on social media. They usually have higher ratings.

However, the rating numbers It is not the only indicator of the quality of the program. There are other factors that need to be considered such as content, script, directing, actors and each audience member. have different tastes The best TV shows is a program that can attract viewers and create an impression on the audience