Look at the first look to the latest look of all 6 NEW COUNTRY members. How much more beautiful and handsome?

Last updated: 21 Jun 2024  |  826 Views  | 

Look at the first look to the latest look of all 6 NEW COUNTRY members. How much more beautiful and handsome?

Back in December 2022, the music industry was excited and asked for the song “STAND.” BY Lor” and the song “Ting Ka”, who sang it and where did it come from? Because after releasing the song Posted on TIKTOK, the trend was so strong that people flocked to dance and cover more than 200,000 clips. Even more so when releasing the full MV on YouTube. And people are starting to know that the band NEW COUNTRY is owned by Grammy Gold, managed by the country prince "Got Chakraphan", making the trend of the band NEW COUNTRY more popular. COUNTRY is even more popular. Because the song is a new style of country music. Plus modern dance moves and the images of the music videos that were created were pleasing to the audience Until both songs have already had over 20 million views. Another strong trend is Various products rush towards the NEW band members. COUNTRY more than 10 items. Be it Mister Donut, LAY Max, Garnier, Toyota White Road, Carring and many more.

Most recently, almost 2 years have passed. Today we will take a look at the looks of the youngsters on the first day that introduced us to the band NEW. COUNTRY until the latest look that the kids There's going to be a new song coming out. How are the 6 members, Mbo, Nu, Tintin, Guitar, Kik and Matree, beautiful and handsome, how much have they grown? Let's go see.