Top Tap's younger sister "Nat Natthamon" returns to the industry! With a cool new role in the series Lady Loves Women

Last updated: 25 Jun 2024  |  482 Views  | 

Top Tap's younger sister "Nat Natthamon" returns to the industry! With a cool new role in the series Lady Loves Women

Oh! Every once in a while I see "Nat Natthamon", the real younger sister of "Top Naphat" or "Top Tap", a young actor-MC with a good sense of humor. Come out and play in the entertainment industry. After leaving his work with the movie The latest "second semester of horror"! Our Nong Nat is back with a new role. The most interesting thing to watch is the series about women loving women. Let me tell you, it's really delicious! At this event, fans can prepare to scream and wait... Secretly whispered that This series Nong Nat will come in the look of a confident woman, beautiful, chic, and stylish. She will also have to pair up with a beautiful female heroine. Ouch! Do you want to know what it will be like? Wait to watch soon.... Oh! Anyone who misses Nong Nat's work Don't miss it. Because besides this series There are other works. Waiting for more to follow. This work tells you that Nong Nat came back this time. Prepare for a full birth for sure!