Effort never betrays anyone. Guitar Nipaporn puts down a ladle to scoop up curry and holds the microphone with a new song that tells about himself. Singer's son

Last updated: 26 Jun 2024  |  119 Views  | 

Effort never betrays anyone. Guitar Nipaporn puts down a ladle to scoop up curry and holds the microphone with a new song that tells about himself. Singer's son

He is a red-label artist of Grammy Gold. For "Guitar Nipaporn" 105-time champion In the program “Duel of Songs to Win Funds” that has overcome obstacles to have a new album under the supervision of Kru Sala Khunwut, a national artist. Now there is the first debut song which tells about himself and matches the life of the person and “Nak. Singing to the merchant's children" a song of encouragement for people who have little money but still fight and strive for their families. Because of income and expenses that are not balanced It is considered to be the first song under Grammy Gold by Guitar Nipaporn. Both the song and the music video are very interesting.

Guitar Nipaporn said, “I would like to thank Teacher Sala Khunwut and all the adults who gave Guitar, this singer's son's son, the opportunity to become an artist under Grammy Gold. Thank you for the scholarship duel program. and all the fans of the show who have supported and followed each other all along. Today, Guitar has a song that is true to his own life and I am very proud of the song “Singer Luk Maekha”, a song whose content is true to Guitar's own real life. I would like fans to go watch and listen on the Grammy Gold Official YouTube channel. Thank you very much for every viewing, sharing and every comment. It is really a very important encouragement.”

Luk Maekha Singer - Guitar Nipaporn (Music Story)
